How Tight Should a Compression Fitting Be?
Compression fittings should be tight enough to create a watertight seal but not so tight that the pipe warps or the thread is damaged as this could encourage leaks and make the fittings much harder to remove later. Proceed with caution.
What Should I Do if I Find a Compression Fitting Leaking?
If a compression fitting is leaking, in the first instance, try to tighten the fitting using a pair of adjustable pipe tools. These should be positioned in the opposite direction to the tightening motion. If the leak persists, disassemble the fitting, and apply sealant to the olive. Alternatively, remove the olive altogether and replace it.
How Do Compression Fittings Compare to Pipe Sweating?
The process of soldering copper pipes together is referred to as ‘sweating’. Soldering offers certain advantages: it’s a straightforward process for experienced plumbers and engineers and it creates a lasting join (in theory). However, soldering is not always a practical option - in confined spaces for example. By contrast, fittings are easy to apply even without special training, do not need the application of heat, and in most cases, they can be removed and repositioned if required.
How Many PSI Can a Compression Fitting Hold?
Pounds per square inch, or PSI, is a frequently used pressure metric. These are robust devices and stainless steel models with larger flow diameters that can withstand pressure applications above 10,000 PSI. As you might expect, smaller fittings made from other materials have lower PSI ratings.
Are Gas and Water Compression Fittings the Same?
There is no significant difference. Compression fittings designed for liquid will work fine with gas but if you use optional PTFE tape, make sure it is gas grade. In addition, ensure the fittings are accessible and not hidden behind walls or under floors.
Are Compression Fittings Reliable?
Yes, they are reliable, if you:
- Ensure that the pipe or tubing compression fittings you buy fit correctly
- Ensure they are installed correctly