ESD protection is a vital consideration when working with sensitive electronic components and assemblies. ESD stands for electrostatic discharge and refers to sudden releases of built-up static electricity. This common phenomenon can damage electronic parts if not guarded against. Electrostatic discharge protection involves a broad range of products and techniques.
There are various key strands involved in taking a comprehensive approach to full ESD protection - simply adding a couple of anti-static products into your normal workflow is not enough. Proper ESD control is about ensuring the right combination of tools, clothing, working environments, staff training, and user behaviour is deployed effectively.
This introductory guide is intended to cover many of these ESD control products and techniques. We aim to help you understand what ESD protection is and what methods you can use to minimise the risk of electrostatic damage to sensitive components. We will also answer several common questions around the wider issue of ESD-aware electronics handling.
By the end of this guide, you should have a clear view of exactly what ESD protection means in practice. You will also be aware of various methods and products used for effective electrostatic discharge protection, as well as the types of training required to improve ESD control handling procedures.